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  • January 3, 2024
  • By Mitch Eisenberg Alliant SVP, General Counsel and Data Compliance Officer
  • Blog


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As an industry, 我们一直在努力降低CTV和视频广告的复杂性,以帮助品牌和代理商在这些日益流行的观看环境中无缝有效地接触到观众. Now, amid all the progress we’ve made, 一项已有35年历史的立法——《欧洲杯在线投注赔率》(VPPA)——正在引发诉讼,并在电视和视频广告领域播下混乱的种子.

From a data-driven advertising standpoint, the VPPA isn’t a showstopper. 但这是一个不断发展的问题,广告主在制定他们的全渠道数据策略时应该考虑到这一点,并确保他们不会错过CTV和视频中的机会. Here’s what you need to know.

VPPA and Why It Matters Now

VPPA在录像带租赁的全盛时期1988年生效,本质上是一项旨在禁止披露个人录像带租赁历史的立法. (该法案是在最高法院候选人罗伯特·博克观看视频的习惯被泄露给媒体一年后通过的.)这部法律在人们甚至还没有想到现代流媒体服务之前就已经生效了, much less the ad tech and data infrastructures that support them. However, due to the language in recent lawsuits, 如今,由于消费者观看网站上发布的视频内容时,公司如何分享收视率数据,数十起消费者隐私诉讼中都提到了这一点, apps, and other digital platforms.

Specifically, the VPPA prohibits entities that rent, sell, 或提供预先录制的“录像带磁带或类似的视听材料”,从“故意披露”。, to any person, personally identifiable information concerning any consumer of such provider.” The PII, in this case, 定义为“识别某人从录像带服务提供商处请求或获得特定录像材料或服务的信息”.”

简而言之,VPPA被用来阻止公司分享个人观看习惯的数据. 考虑到正在进行的诉讼数量,法院将如何处理索赔尚未达成共识. Thus, it’s time for the advertising industry to move with awareness and caution, 同时确保他们的广告活动是由数据推动的,这些数据可以实现当今媒体领域所期望的目标和个性化水平.

The Safe Approach for Marketers Navigating VPPA

因为利用VPPA的诉讼正试图在数据和技术方面将方枘圆凿, 短期内,市场营销人员不太可能在法律方面找到明确的答案. Right now, 将个人与其正在观看的内容直接联系起来的数据正受到最严密的审查. 那些获得明确选择同意分享内容级收视率数据的企业最有可能是清白的, but that’s about as much as anyone can say with any certainty at this point.

这并不意味着广告商不能继续接触到在CTV和视频观看环境中对他们最重要的观众——远非如此. A few key things to keep in mind:

Legal Oversight: 当涉及到你的公司对收视率数据的使用时,要经常与法律和合规团队联系,以提供有价值的监督. 这些团队可以帮助您了解VPPA等法规如何应用于您的特定数据应用程序和目标模型.

Partnerships: Work with those in the know. Your data partners and providers should be talking about VPPA compliancy. More importantly, they should have a plan of action with VPPA in mind.

Data Strategy: VPPA的核心是关注直接将个人与内容联系起来的确定性数据. For advertisers looking to connect with lucrative CTV and video audiences, there are still plenty of data-driven ways to connect with targeted, high-value audiences in these environments. For example, 用于了解某些内容的收视率的许可信号可用于模拟高保真概率观众. 然后,这些模型可以大规模地用于高度精确的相似目标.

When legal shakeups over data use arise, such as what we’re witnessing with the VPPA, it behooves marketers to stay on top of developments and adjust as needed. 数据合作伙伴和机构应该在这些情况下充当顾问,并能够回答您可能遇到的任何问题,因为它涉及到为您的活动提供动力的数据的法律含义. 高质量的受众数据为满足广告商的目标提供了多种途径,但广告商需要对自己的立场有一个坚定的理解,以便做出适当的支点, and of course deliver great campaigns.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Alliant. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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